C115 dual lfo

The C115 Dual LFO is a dual low frequency oscillator with some
interesting features.


Modulation sources are always a must have in
every system and this module can be a good addition to save some


The C115 has two low frequency oscillators. The rst one is voltage
controlled and its FM input is internally conected to the second LFO.
This connection allows to create complex modulations without any
patching. The normalization will be broken if a patch cable is inserted into the FM input.


Each LFO has an independent Sync input that will reset the LFO to the begining of the cycle.


The C115 is a great midlle point between a basic non voltage
controlled LFO and a full featured LFO like de C102 VC LFO.


C115 characteristics :

            • Two LFOs in one space.

            • LFO1 range : 20 seconds per cycle to 20Hz (can be extended using CV).

            • LFO2 range : 40 seconds per cycle to 10Hz

            • Two independent sync inputs.

            • LFO1 is voltage controlled. It has a FM input with

            • attenuator.

            • LFO2 triangle wave is normalized to the LFO1’s FM input.

            • LFO1 has two waveforms available simultaneously Triangle and Saw.

            • LFO2 has three waveforms available simultaneously,Triangle, Sine and Square.



Tags : MU Format , MU Modular , 5U Format , 5U Modular , Moog Format , Modular Synth , Synthesizers.com , Dotcom Modular , Synthesizer , Modular Synthesizer


220€ + VAT



technical data

  • Module Format : 5U, MU format ( Synthesizers.com, Moog )
  • Module Width :  1 MU ( Moog Unit )
  • Module Depth : 58 mm ( 2,05 inches
  • Power : +15V@32mA , -15V@34mA
  • Power connectors : Synthesizers.com , MOTM ( 4 pin )